Donate a milk can this Christmas and make a difference!

Sometimes it is difficult for mothers to feed their child with a cleft lip. Of course we prefer breastfeeding/pumping, but if that is not possible, we help our patients with bottle feeding. A large proportion of our patients belong to the very poorest of the population. Most parents are therefore unable to buy powdered milk. Many mothers therefore give their baby water with sugar, rice water, cola or coffee. The milk project was set up to prevent this. With the milk project we ensure that children receive enough milk powder to gain the right weight in a healthy way for their first operation: the lip closure!

Like every year, we want to be able to feed all children with cleft lip and palate next year. Did you know that we hand out more than 10,000 cans of milk every year? We feed more than 300 babies a year with this! Christmas is coming, new decorations are being bought for the tree, a delicious meal is on the table and the champagne is cold. In short: a wonderful festive period with the whole family. We also hope to provide our patients with a Merry Christmas and a good start to 2022. That is why we would like to ask everyone to donate a can of milk and participate in our special Christmas promotion.

One can of milk powder provides a baby with cleft lip and palate with nutrition for about 3 to 4 days and costs only €6. If you want to sponsor milk for one child for one month, that is 8 cans for €48. In the month of December we hope to collect money for at least 2500 cans of milk, so that we can immediately help the new babies with cleft lip and palate in the new year! You can donate quickly and easily at the bottom of this page.
On behalf of team Tess Unlimited we wish you a very merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year!

A big thank you for your help!
